Interdisciplinary Teaching- This blog was started as a way of using journals and games in physical education class to enhance and connect the learning in math, language arts and science. Now that I am a science teacher I am finding ways to use physical activity to connect the learning in physical science.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Describing The New Game

Today we developed a new game. It is a combination of the 4 square game and volleyball. We played the game on a volleyball court. We lowered the volleyball net to tennis level. We played with varying numbers of students on each side depending on grade/skill level. We played with a volleyball. The students can hit the ball like a 4 square ball. Only one teammate can hit per return. The ball can only bounce once on a side. The winner of the point gets to serve. The winner of the game was the first to 5 points.
 At the end of the class the students were asked to write down 5 sentences describing the new game. They could not use words that suggested judgement such as "I liked the game."

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