Interdisciplinary Teaching- This blog was started as a way of using journals and games in physical education class to enhance and connect the learning in math, language arts and science. Now that I am a science teacher I am finding ways to use physical activity to connect the learning in physical science.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Describe The Functions of the Skeleton

The Functions of the Skeleton

1. Support - the shapes of soft tissues are maintained and the body has posture.

2. Protection - Important organs of the body (brain, heart, lungs, spinal cord) are protected by non-moveable casings.

3. Movement - Tendons attach muscles to bones which act as levers. Contracting muscles pulls on the bones causing movement.

4. Storage - Mineral salts are stored in the bones (e.g. calcium)

5. Blood Cell Production - Red blood cells, some white blood cells and blood platelets are produced in the red marrow of bones

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