Interdisciplinary Teaching- This blog was started as a way of using journals and games in physical education class to enhance and connect the learning in math, language arts and science. Now that I am a science teacher I am finding ways to use physical activity to connect the learning in physical science.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Time Trials

The students will get an accurate time of their 25 yard dash.
The students will first measure out 25 yards using a tape measure. Introduce the concept that 3 feet equals a yard. At this point we asked the students to use estimation to guess different distances. We also related distance to that of a football field and asked how many 25 yards would fit into a 100 yard field.
Students must learn how to operate the stopwatch. Students will all have a turn operating the stopwatch. Each student will teach and monitor new timekeepers. (Learn, do and then teach.)
Each student will record their time in their journal.
First they will use rounding skills to get time to the nearest second. Then they will learn how to record their time to the nearest tenth and then hundreth of a second to get the most accurate time.
For grades 2-3 the next phase will be to add up their times to get a total.
For grade 4 the next phase will be to add up 3 trials and then get an average by dividing.
For grade 5 the next phase will be to get an average and then determine what their speed is using the equation Speed=Distance/Time.
We used groups which then allowed us to use division to determine the number of students in each group. This was also written in their journal.

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