Interdisciplinary Teaching- This blog was started as a way of using journals and games in physical education class to enhance and connect the learning in math, language arts and science. Now that I am a science teacher I am finding ways to use physical activity to connect the learning in physical science.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Using the Fitnessgram To Analyze Performance

This week we have been using the Fitnessgram data to analyze the students' performance. From counting the repetitions the kids perform when doing push ups and curl ups to measuring the 20 yard distance on the field. The students have been measuring their sit and reach and their trunk lift distance. The kids are also measuring their height and weight. Tomorrow they will run their mile. In all the measurements the kids have been asked to estimate how many reps they will perform or their time. We have also discussed what the standards mean and how they compare to the standards.

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