Interdisciplinary Teaching- This blog was started as a way of using journals and games in physical education class to enhance and connect the learning in math, language arts and science. Now that I am a science teacher I am finding ways to use physical activity to connect the learning in physical science.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Common Core PE Lesson-Use of Measurement

This week in our small groups we measured out the laps for the long run and the sprints. We pulled a group consisting of 2nd and 3rd graders. We used both the surveyors’ wheel and the 100 foot measuring tape to set up the courses. For the 60 foot sprint course the kids had to set the cones 10 feet apart. They could use the pacing method, wheel or tape measure. We set out the markers for 10, 20, 30...60 foot markers. We asked the kids to run 120 feet, 180 feet, etc. For their homework they had to answer the question of, “How far did you run today?”
The kids are now able to pick the activity they wish to participate in. They may choose from basketball, soccer, jump rope, hula hoop and tether ball. During the basketball game we adhere to the rules. We are not allowing press defense. The kids also keep score with the scoreboard.
In the tutoring class we are building rockets. We have started with reading the instructions and laying out the parts to inventory. We began with the building by cutting out the 3 fins and sanding them smooth. We then taped on the fin markers and the kids marked where the fins belong. We stopped at that point.
In the intervention class we are combining what the kids are doing in class, learning about explanatory writing and studying about and making circuits. The students are writing down the steps to make a circuit. After the students actually put the circuit together with the battery, wires and light bulb they have to write about the sequence of building. We are using as many details as we can such as the red wire, a “D” battery, etc. The kids then read their directions to each other and see if makes sense to them.

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