Interdisciplinary Teaching- This blog was started as a way of using journals and games in physical education class to enhance and connect the learning in math, language arts and science. Now that I am a science teacher I am finding ways to use physical activity to connect the learning in physical science.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Time Trials

The students will get an accurate time of their 25 yard dash.
The students will first measure out 25 yards using a tape measure. Introduce the concept that 3 feet equals a yard. At this point we asked the students to use estimation to guess different distances. We also related distance to that of a football field and asked how many 25 yards would fit into a 100 yard field.
Students must learn how to operate the stopwatch. Students will all have a turn operating the stopwatch. Each student will teach and monitor new timekeepers. (Learn, do and then teach.)
Each student will record their time in their journal.
First they will use rounding skills to get time to the nearest second. Then they will learn how to record their time to the nearest tenth and then hundreth of a second to get the most accurate time.
For grades 2-3 the next phase will be to add up their times to get a total.
For grade 4 the next phase will be to add up 3 trials and then get an average by dividing.
For grade 5 the next phase will be to get an average and then determine what their speed is using the equation Speed=Distance/Time.
We used groups which then allowed us to use division to determine the number of students in each group. This was also written in their journal.

Describe Flexion and Extension and Effect of Exercise On Body Flexibility

Flexion -Reducing the angle between two bones (often remembered as a bending action).

Extension -Increasing the angle between two bones (often remembered as a straightening action).

Upon arrival to PE class perform sit and reach. Record how far you can touch on your leg.

After warm up record how far you can touch on your leg.

After playing record how far you can touch on your leg.

Describe How Muscles Function

The skeletal muscles of the body provide the force needed to move the bones of the skeleton in a large variety of actions. The muscles are arranged in a way that allows them to work in pairs. For example, when we bend our arms at the elbow to curl a dumbell the bicep acts as the agonist (main force providing muscle) and contracts to pull the radius and ulna of the forearm towards the humerus of the upper arm (this action is flexion). At the same time to allow this to happen the tricep at the back of the upper arm relaxes and lengthens to allow the arm to flex.

Describe The Functions of the Skeleton

The Functions of the Skeleton

1. Support - the shapes of soft tissues are maintained and the body has posture.

2. Protection - Important organs of the body (brain, heart, lungs, spinal cord) are protected by non-moveable casings.

3. Movement - Tendons attach muscles to bones which act as levers. Contracting muscles pulls on the bones causing movement.

4. Storage - Mineral salts are stored in the bones (e.g. calcium)

5. Blood Cell Production - Red blood cells, some white blood cells and blood platelets are produced in the red marrow of bones

Friday, December 24, 2010

Planning Our PE Class- Analyzing Real Life Involving Time

One of our PE goals is to have children exercise 60 minutes a day. The students will log in their journals how we are spending our time in PE class. They will log what types of activities we are doing, what time we start, our stop time and how long we spend on different activities. We will do this for one week. At the end of the week we will determine the elapsed time we spent with warm ups, strengthening and running exercises and game play time for the week. The students will answer questions such as are we meeting the requirement in school, how long and what types of activities do you do at home? How much time are we spending on aerobic, strengthening and bone strengthening exercises?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Using Fantasy Sports To Teach Math Skills

This week we are starting a fantasy basketball league using yahoo fantasy sports. I hope to teach the students about math skills.  In addition, members can use the similarities between fantasy sports and the stock market to become successful business leaders.
We are now in the second week. At our weekly meeting we discussed the trends of the players, players who were not performing and trading for players who were performing. And as a side note the student that had the worst team in the league which we used as an example of how to trade and who to trade for is now beating me soundly this week.
Today we discussed the use of graphs to determine the trend in the midrange shot for the miami heat.
Today we discussed the numbers behind the shot selection using the site

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Reviewing percentage, multiplication, division, adding, subtraction and money with running exercises

Today we divided the field into quarters. The students were instructed to run a quarter of the way, half the way, three quarters of the way and 100 percent of the way. We then combined activities such as bear crawl 50% of the way and run 50 percent of the way. We would shift between percent and quarters.
We also have been using math skills such as adding, subtracting, multiplication and division when we run. for example i will say we are going to hop like a bunny for 10x1, they will get a couple of seconds think time and execute the move.

Using The Flipcam

Today we used the flip cam to video the class activities. I partnered a person who had never used the camera with someone who has. The students were given instructions on how to operate the camera. They were instructed to make 2 minute videos. Toward the end of the class the students and the teacher review the videos and check for understanding on how to shoot video. We will review the videos when we are inside due to inclement weather. When we review the video we will talk about how video activities, such as get the whole body in the frame.

Describing Using the Five Senses

This week we journaled and did think alouds about describing. They were prompted to use their five senses. They were asked to describe a soccer ball, football and basketball. their answers consisted of rough, smooth, round, oval. It was cold outside and we got a response of,  "The ball is cold as ice."
One day we asked the students to describe what activiites we did using the senses. The kids replied with, "I heard the kids yelling as we were running." and  "I could feel the other kids pushing against me." When we were bear crawling the ground felt cold."  This describing will lead to compare and contrast.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spelling Words With Jumping Jacks, Push Ups and Sit Ups

This is self explanatory. We get the list of spelling words from the teachers and have the kids spell these words during their exercises. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Describing The New Game

Today we developed a new game. It is a combination of the 4 square game and volleyball. We played the game on a volleyball court. We lowered the volleyball net to tennis level. We played with varying numbers of students on each side depending on grade/skill level. We played with a volleyball. The students can hit the ball like a 4 square ball. Only one teammate can hit per return. The ball can only bounce once on a side. The winner of the point gets to serve. The winner of the game was the first to 5 points.
 At the end of the class the students were asked to write down 5 sentences describing the new game. They could not use words that suggested judgement such as "I liked the game."

Push ups and sit ups- adding then dividing to find average.

Today we used our push up and sit up information this way. First we added up how many push ups and how many sit ups the individual student did. Then we looked for the average. We explained to do this we must divide by the number of sets they performed. In this case it was two. We showed them how to set up the equation. The total number inside the house with the divisor outside. We went through the operation and then we checked it with multiplication. This took approximately 5 minutes for most. For the students that were having trouble figuring out the answer the coaches worked with those students until it was completed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Using Push up and Sit up Information To Construct a Graph

This activity is used for grades 2-5. Students make a list of each day that we did push ups and sit ups. They also put down the total of push ups and sit ups. It looks like this:
October 5 60 pu 80 su.
October 7 62 pu 75 su
October 15 70 pu 85 su
The students then construct a graph with dates across the bottom and number or repititions across the right margin. The students construct a bar graph or a line graph using the information. They are asked questions that analyze the chart information.

Learning About Money While Playing 4 square volleyball

Today we set up the volleyball nets in a 4 square design. Each square was assigned a value. Square one - .25 cents, square 2 -.50 cents, square 3 -.75 cents and square 4 (the server square)- 1.00. The children either partnered up in pairs(if even) or if odd just waited in line and partnered up with the person next to them. Volleyball rules apply if the ball hits the ground you are out. The goal is to become the server and occupy the 4 square which also makes the most money. For the younger grades the teams may use the catch, toss and hit rule. For the upper grades(4-5) regular volleyball rules apply which means no catching only hitting. Before each round starts each square is given a chip corresponding to the money value. At the end of the game the team or person with the most money wins.
Students learn about money denominations and practice counting money.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Math Games and Journaling

Count off to determine how many children are present.
Set up teams-even and odd

While dribbling balls call out number and have students group accordingly. Introduce concepts of multiplication.
While dribbling balls call out simple math problems(adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, factors) and students group accordingly. If students don't get answer the student does a determined amount of sit ups or push ups and then they return to game.

Have students shoot a basketball, soccer ball from predetermined spots. Each spot has a numerical value.  Have students add up. First student to predetermined number wins. Lower grades keep tally marks and add up makes only. Upper grades use multiplication (IE 5 times 10).

Students will write down in their journals how many push ups they complete in one minute. Students will add up how many push ups and sit ups they complete in the 2 minutes. they will enter it in their journals

  push ups 30 1/minute (have students keep in rows)
+push ups 30 1/minute
    pu 60 2/min     (use of abbreviations)

PE Journals

We have begun journaling in pe.
